
Kaushal Vikas Project

Distrbution of sewing machines to women

Narendra Modi has often reiterated the need for Indians becoming job creators rather than job seekers. To address this issue India Vision 2020 sansthan initiated , taking a strong leap at the rudimentary level so as to give this problem a reflection of hope. With agenda chairmen of india vision 2020 Mukesh prajapat on 23rd November 2017 distributed three sewing machine in the wake of creating self employment and making people job providers rather than job seekers. Mr. Mukesh Prajapat also proclaimed that
in addition to the machines , womens will also be provided with other equipment and raw materials.the activity was organized with cooperation of legal and awareness committee of NATIONAL LAW UIVERSITY. Head mentor Swaroopa said that womens will be tutored in cutting clothes of daily apparel and use of machines.

Cashless Digial India Program

in order to cashless economy from our school the campaign was started in the presence of social workers and businessman Mr. Mukesh ji gaur in the presence of Vishnu kant for this An awareness Rally was organized for 31 countries 2016.the digital india program is a flagship program of the government of india with a vision to transform india into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. " Faceless , Paperless, cashless" is one of professed role of digital india.
With the aim to promote Digital Payments and converting india to a less cash society , a large number of policy and implementation initiatives are being taken by the government for its procurement , service offering and disbursements.

Street Children campaign at jodhpur railway station

This campaign was started on 19th november 2015 with the objective of
- Counseling
- To provide food and clothes to street children
- Helping children to find their families who have been lost
- To admit the children in the orphanage and try to shape their future
- Try to educate them
- Providing medical facilities to street children
By this India vision 2020 sansthan will try to control the crime rate and bring street children on equal level to the main stream of the society.